Quebec City

Quebec City

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Why Canada?

Why Canada? That question has been asked of me a lot lately. Ever since I told people that I was hoping to become a Missionary Associate (MA) to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC)  mission in Quebec City, Église réformée St-Marc, there have been many questions. I hope this blog will answer your questions and keep you updated throughout my experience.

This whole thing has come up rather suddenly really. I have had an interest in missions for most of my life. On my most recent short term mission trip to the Czech Republic, I realized how much I wanted to be a part of sharing the gospel. I began wondering if mission work could be something I can do or something God is calling me towards. I let those thoughts drift and fade when I came back to my regular schedule at home and at work. It wasn't until July that those thoughts and questions arose again. I heard about an MA opportunity in Uganda and was getting really excited about the idea of going. That ended up not happening but I was still wanting to serve the church in any way I could. I heard about the need for an MA in Quebec shortly afterward. The ministry that church is doing sounded so much like the ministry that I have seen at work in the Czech Republic.  That has been a big part of what drew me to Quebec. Both churches are trying to teach English and spread the gospel in a foreign language and in a religiously hostile/resentful country. I know that has been quite the challenge for the missionaries in Prague, Czech Republic, and I would love to help ease that burden for the Reformed church of St. Mark in Quebec City, Canada. My goal in serving as an MA to the Quebec Church would be to serve the church in any way possible. I hope and pray that I will be able to create an after-school English program that can be used regularly and that I will be able to be of any help to the pregnancy crisis center that the church is affiliated with. I really hope to serve the St. Marc Church in any way that will be helpful to them. 
I do not know what to expect in Quebec City. I have never been to the East coast states or the East side of Canada. One of my best friends lives in Vancouver Canada, on the West side, which I have visited a few times. It will be interesting to see how different the East side of the country is compared to the West side. One thing that I know will be different is that the province of Quebec is very French. The main language that they speak is their own version of French known as Canadian French. I do not have any background or experience in the French language. That honestly does intimidate me, but I know with God's help I can learn it. I have bought a Rosetta Stone French program, and hope to also get lessons while I am there as well. Hopefully that will all be a great help to me.
I hope to keep my readers updated on what I am doing for the church there and what life is like for me living in a new country. For now I have some prayer requests:
- That I will be able to raise most or all of my funds quickly. I am planning to leave for Canada in October whether I have all my funds set up or not. It is preferable that I have most of it settled before I go, but that may not happen in time. Prayers that I will be able to continue raising funds for my stay in Canada are greatly appreciated.
- That learning the French language will go well. I have not tried to learn a new language since High School, and completely starting over is scary. I am praying that what I learn will stick and that being submerged in the language and environment while in Canada will help me improve.
- Finally that God will continue to work a new servant's heart in me. I have already been blessed with many encouragements and advice on serving in the missionary field and am so grateful for those friends. I pray that God will keep those things in my heart and remind me daily of the work I am doing for His Kingdom while in Canada.

And now, pictures!
Église réformée St-Marc church building:

 And congregation:

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I hope you have a great weekend!
Talk soon!

In Christ,
Jennifer Nelson

1 comment:

  1. So cool!! Congrats and good luck! Will definitely be praying for you and all your ventures :)
