Quebec City

Quebec City

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Over a week ago was American Thanksgiving. This has not been my first Thanksgiving away from home, but it has been one of the harder ones. I think that many things made it a little hard for me this year: 1) I knew that I wouldn't be coming home in a few months for Christmas, like I have every other time I am away for Thanksgiving, 2) The people here don't celebrate it, there is no feeling of Thanksgiving at all because they have already moved on to Christmas, and 3) I have no family here or traditions here.

From that depressing list, you might think that I had an awful Thanksgiving, but I didn't! My good friend Jacquelyn suggested that we have our own American Thanksgiving together with our friends here, since we are both American. So we did! The week was full of buying groceries ahead of time, and prepping food the day before. I even had the important job of stuffing and cooking the turkey! (It is actually a very easy thing to do!) Thursday itself was a long day of waiting for me, because I waited in my apartment all day until guests came for dinner around 6pm. I put in the pies, the yams, and the turkey all before my friend arrived to help finish with everything else. But while I was waiting, I was able to call my family back home and talk with them about anything while they were waiting for their food to be ready.

After I had finished that call, it was time to get the food and table ready. Jacquelyn and her husband and two kids came, and another couple from our church came with their baby. It was a full table and we all had a good time. We had so much food leftover! (Isn't that a must with Thanksgiving though?!) Everyone took home several containers home. Later that evening after I had cleaned everything up, I was able to relax with another phone call to my family and eat my dessert at the same time. (I had to let Grandma know how the turkey turned out, that everyone loved it.) It was a good day.

I have had my moments since then when I get sad knowing that I am not there to spend time with my family, or that I won't be home for Christmas. But the Lord keeps reminding me of the many blessings He has given me here in Quebec City. I have been blessed to call these people my friends and also my family. Even if I am not home in California, God has given me a home here in Quebec for the time being. And I am very thankful for that.

Jacquelyn and Jennifer

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