Quebec City

Quebec City

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ottawa- March for Life

This last Thursday, May 14th, I had the opportunity to be a part of the large March For Life that happens every year on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the Canadian capital.  On May 14, 1969, abortion was made legal in Canada and in 1988 all laws regulating abortion were omitted. (You can read more on that here: ) There are basically no laws against abortion right now. Since 1998 there has been a march through the streets of Ottawa in protest to these laws for abortion. This year was the 18th anniversary with an estimated number of 23,000 people.

This topic of abortion has always been a topic close to my heart. My church back home in California has always been very supportive of the local Pregnancy-Care Clinics and the Pro-Life movement. Within the last five years, my involvement and knowledge of this issue has increased. I am more aware of the sad truths of abortion and of the lies these clinics tell the world. It is a difficult topic to bring up, but the sad truth of the matter is that abortion is murder. I pray for those who do not realize this truth.

This last week, the government of California was going to discuss passing a bill that would force all pregnancy clinics to tell their clients about all options, especially abortion options. This would be a large "game changer," so to speak, if this bill was passed. I do not know what lies ahead for California or the United States, but I pray that many hearts will be changed on this topic. The bill was supposed to be read for a third time and voted on on Thursday the 14th. That has been rescheduled for another time next week, but please pray that this bill will not be passed. You can read a little more about the bill here.

Thursday started with a five hour drive with Pastor Ben from Quebec City to Ottawa. We got there a few hours early to attend a prayer meeting. Many Protestant and Reformed churches gathered together to pray for an hour before the march. It was a good service of singing hymns, prayers, and a message. The pastor reminded us that Jesus brings life even in the midst of death. If He could do that 2000 years ago, He could still do that today. And that is what we prayed for, that God would change the hearts of the men in Parliament and that a movement to end abortions would happen.

Then we made our way to Parliament Hill where many people were gathering for the speeches before the march started. It was a large gathering with the news crews watching.

(Justice for the unborn child)

 Pastor Ben and I in front of Parliament.

 The crowd grew larger as the march began.

I was amazed at the size of this event. You could see it going down the street, and when we turned to make a circle, you could still see the crowd at the other end of the block. Traffic was stopped for a good hour to let us walk.

There were some outbreaks against our cause during the speeches at the beginning, and there were also a few standing against us along the walk. At one corner there was a large group of around 30 people (maybe more) yelling and screaming at us. They had signs and chants against our walk. I was surprised at how much hatred came out of that corner full of curses and rude gestures. Even the police were there to keep them away from us and from creating a disturbance. I have experienced some oppression before at Life Chains, but nothing like this. It was a really sad thing to see. 

We could not stay for the closing time of more speeches and prayers, so we left early. But as we left the city and looked back at the Parliament building, I couldn't help but pray for Canada. Abortion is an issue all around the world, and not just in the country we are born in. The situation is possibly worse in Canada than it is in the US, I don't know. But both countries need prayer. All the countries of the world need prayer. That is something we forget about. 

Do not forget to pray.
 Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." 
John 16:20, 22 "Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.... So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you." 

Let us rejoice knowing that Christ is coming and his coming will bring victory over death and sin forever. His coming will turn our sorrows into gladness because He has won. 

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