Quebec City

Quebec City

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

With A Smile

I want to dedicate this poem to the many hard working wives and mothers that I know, especially the missionary wives that have made an impact on my life. I have learned a lot over the last few months of what it means to be working behind the scenes, and I want to thank them for the examples they have been to me.

With A Smile 
by Jennifer Nelson

A servant I am,
And a servant's heart I hope to have.
I struggle and toil all the day long.
Be it dishes, organizing, running errands, or dishes galore,
I do it with a smile. 

I support the man I work for,
I follow his will and call.
"Somebody has to do it."
Why not let that "somebody" be me.
So I do it with a smile. 

Some people say I work too hard,
"What would we do without you?" they say. 
Others hardly see my work at all.
But I do it nonetheless,
And I do it with a smile.

I may not be praised
Or remembered for what I have done,
But I hope my work brings Him glory and praise.
Perhaps, one day, when I see His face,
He will greet me with a smile. 

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